ClickCease Matchmakers in Portland | Master Matchmakers

Portland Matchmaker

Our professional Portland matchmakers proudly represent eligible, relationship oriented singles who want to meet likeminded, well intentioned individuals. If you prefer to meet someone in your immediate area we can concentrate our search for you there. If you would be open to meeting extraordinary individuals a little further away, you're increasing the likelihood of finding you a match. No matter your location preferences our Portland matchmakers are ready to help you find, form, and maintain the ideal relationship!

Our team of Portland Matchmakers will verify age and identity, conduct interviews, and perform background checks to ensure our clients have a safe and worry-free experience. Photos and a personally prepared profile will be shared with every match and you speak before you meet. Your matches won't expire so take the time you need to explore the potential of every introduction.

To find love in the Portland complete our Get Started form or call us toll free at (800) 734-9230.

Heartcoach  Get Started

Ready to take the first step towards finding your match? Fill out our classified "Get Started" form now! A representative will be in touch to hear all about your criteria and show you what our supreme matching services can do for you. So, what are you waiting for? Your new beginning is one click away

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heartchat Background Checks

Speak with a coordinator to determine the right level of service for you. Each experience is customized to suit a client's needs and budget. Prices will be discussed on the call. To qualify for matchmaking you must prove your identity, verify your age and photos and pass a background check.

heartkey Personal

To assist our clients in finding, forming and maintaining the ideal relationship we offer professional dating and relationship coaching as a complement to or substitute for matchmaking. You will meet your coach face-to-face to identify patterns, break habits, learn best practices and plan ahead.


We present your photos and profile to prospective matches and vice versa. We do our best to advocate for you and create interest. If you both accept the match we exchange numbers and expect you to get acquainted before you meet. Your feedback continuously improves the process.

Check out the latest updates below.

First Evidence That Online Dating Is Changing the Nature of Society

Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 6:30 PM

First Evidence That Online Dating Is Changing the Nature of Society
Dating websites have changed the way couples meet. Now evidence is emerging that this change is influencing levels of interracial marriage and even the stability of marriage itself. Continue Reading

What To Do? My Ex Never Gave My Stuff Back And I Really Want It Back

Friday, July 14, 2017 - 5:27 PM

What To Do? My Ex Never Gave My Stuff Back And I Really Want It Back
Breakups are rarely easy. It’s even more difficult when personal or shared items need to be returned after the relationship has ended. Personal Space sought out one of the top relationship experts and former Tough Love host, Steve Ward, to divulge exactly how to have those awkward conversations with an ex. Continue Reading

You're Never Going to Be Happily Married, Unless...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 12:49 PM

You're Never Going to Be Happily Married, Unless...
As a matchmaker and dating coach, I classify people into one of two categories. They're either relationship oriented or not. Many people, men and women alike, truly believe they are fit for a relationship. They think they have everything going for them. They're healthy emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially. They want to have a traditional, nuclear family in a two parent household where both of them can grow as individuals and together as one. But there is one key difference between the relationship oriented people out there, and everyone else. Continue Reading

Why Marriage Minded Women Outnumber Marriage Minded Men

Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 9:32 PM

Why Marriage Minded Women Outnumber Marriage Minded Men
I’m hard pressed to find anyone who will disagree that there is a gap between the number of marriage minded women in the US and the number of marriage minded men. But that gap is widening, and widening at an accelerating rate. Here’s why. Continue Reading

Why Netflix Can Actually Be Good for Your Relationship

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 1:41 AM

Why Netflix Can Actually Be Good for Your Relationship
It’s no relationship secret that having friends in common can improve a couple’s bond. But what if your social circles don’t overlap? Not to worry, says a team of psychologists from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada: Sharing Frank and Claire Underwood (or Ross and Rachel, or Jim and Pam) may work just as well. Continue Reading

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*Our Guarantee. The information we provide regarding other individuals is reliable to the best of our knowledge. Everyone has their identity, age and photos verified and is subject to public record background checks. If information we provide is found to be inaccurate we discount the match and try again. We cannot guarantee or promise a certain outcome or result from matchmaking or coaching. Nothing we say or do can be construed as a guarantee about the outcome of your experience. Our past or future comments about the outcome of your experience, potential matches, estimates of fees and time frames or our opinions are not guarantees. Actual fees and time frames may vary from the estimates given.