“Trying to prove how good we are, trying to prove we’re good enough, trying to show someone how much he or she has hurt us, trying to show someone we’re understanding, are warning signs that we may be into self-defeating behaviors.” — Melody Beattie
At Master Matchmakers we know that anyone who is searching for “the one” has entered the “self-defeating” behavior zone so we designed our coaching program to emphasize self-care. Self-care is about congruency. It is the practice of aligning your thoughts, feelings, words and actions with your values and goals.
Practicing self-care is so powerful because the relationship you have with yourself is the foundation for every other relationship in your life. If you are having trouble “finding, dating and keeping the one”, then I encourage you to consider where you may be out of alignment.
As you go throughout your day, start by shifting the focus from “them” to “you”. Take responsibility. Your personal power depends on it. Own your thoughts, your feelings, what you say and the actions you take. Once you own it, you can change it.
Be honest with yourself. Get clear about what you bring to a relationship and about the relationship you want. Once that is complete, make a list of your behaviors, choices and habits. Finally, make sure that your actions align with your relationship goals. Consider what you need to do to show up for yourself. Self-care is always the first step. If you need help, call us to schedule a coaching session today!