ClickCease Master Matchmakers® - Blogs on Matchmaking, Dating, Singles and Couples


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5 Tips to Online and Mobile Dating Apps

Friday, June 06, 2014 - 12:19 PM

My career in matchmaking and dating predates social media. I was bringing love into peoples’ lives before MySpace was a household name and before Zuckerberg launched Facebook. Online dating however, has been around since the chat room. I can remember as far back as 1993 when AOL personals repl... Continue Reading

Marijuana and Matchmaking

Monday, March 24, 2014 - 7:14 PM

I’m currently coaching two separate women with the same problem. One lives in Denver, CO. The other lives in Seattle, WA. As they’re both out and about looking to meet their match, they keep running into the same thing…“potheads”. With marijuana recreationally legal in... Continue Reading

Now Accepting Bitcoin for Matchmaking and Coaching

Wednesday, February 05, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Now Accepting Bitcoin for Matchmaking and Coaching
To be successful in this digital age of dating we must constantly be reinventing our approach to finding, forming and maintaining relationships. First we released Love Lab®, our free, do-it-yourself solution for iPhone and Android powered by industry leading fraud prevention technology and inter... Continue Reading

Second Annual State of Dating in America™ Report

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 7:00 PM

Today and released their Second Annual State of Dating in America™ Report.  Although the conclusions were validating they were disheartening. When I was, Steve Ward, Host and Executive Producer of VH1 Tough Love, I was used to interacting with and trying to u... Continue Reading

On and Off Relationships

Friday, September 06, 2013 - 6:16 PM

How many of you have been in an “on and off” relationship? I’ve had my share.  Some “on and off” relationships end up lasting the test of time. Others fall apart for very obvious reasons. But the two most important factors that determine whether or not people shoul... Continue Reading

Steve Ward’s Pre-Season Prelude to VH1’s Tough Love Co-ed

Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 4:04 PM

When first asked how I felt about hosting a coed collection of singles at one of my Tough Love boot camps I instantly thought of the degree of difficulty in what lied ahead. The conceit to Tough Love has always been that if the single women who signed up for it didn’t change their ways they wo... Continue Reading

Private Eyes, They’re Watching You

Sunday, July 07, 2013 - 10:10 PM

I have long cautioned my family, friends and clients alike to be careful how they conduct themselves online or in person, because privacy as we know it, no longer exists. Instead, it has been replaced by the illusion of privacy only waiting to be exposed if it ever needed to be.  Lady Gaga rece... Continue Reading

Finding Love and Getting Fit are one in the same

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 3:31 PM

Over the last decade as a love and relationship professional I’ve enjoyed seeing the stigma of online dating and matchmaking gradually go away. Still, there is this ‘stop-and-ask-directions’ effect I often encounter when meeting eligible men and women who can’t seem to 'meet ... Continue Reading

Capture the perfect profile picture!

Sunday, March 03, 2013 - 5:04 PM

The competition is out there for online dating and matchmaking! Some estimates say there are over 40 million men and women who are participating in finding a mate or date online. That means one very important thing—your profile PHOTO is your most critical factor for a great first impression an... Continue Reading

How To Attract People You're Attracted To

Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 4:56 PM

There have been countless studies and works of literature along with volumes of scientific research into what attracts men and women to one another. Whether a personally satisfactory explanation can be found in evolutionary biology, psychology, anthropology, humanities, spirituality, religion or all... Continue Reading

Need help? Ask for it!

Monday, October 29, 2012 - 4:53 PM

"Asking for help does not mean that we are weak or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence." — Anne Wilson Schaef, 1990 I am sure you have heard and witnessed the cliché that most men do not like asking for directions or asking for help on many t... Continue Reading

Red Flags and Traps in a Relationship!

Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 4:44 PM

Singles who are struggling to find someone they can have a healthy long term relationship or marriage with will reason that it is because they just don’t know how to choose the right person. Is it really because they don’t know how to pick the right person or is it because they stay too ... Continue Reading

Exercise your dating muscles!

Monday, September 10, 2012 - 4:38 PM

If it’s been a while since you’ve been on a date then your dating muscles might be atrophying. Your flirting skills might be rusty. Your conversation might be a little dull. Like any skill that has sat dormant the ability to date effectively needs a little stretching and flexing before g... Continue Reading

Older, Wiser, Single & Dating: Need to know!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 4:29 PM

What is the definition of “older?” If you are a woman, it can mean past the age of recommended child-bearing. If you are a man, you may feel it is the strike of the “mid-life crisis.” In the U.S., baby boomers are considered “old.” So, at what age is old? It may b... Continue Reading

Self-Care Is Always The First Step

Tuesday, August 21, 2012 - 4:24 PM

“Trying to prove how good we are, trying to prove we’re good enough, trying to show someone how much he or she has hurt us, trying to show someone we’re understanding, are warning signs that we may be into self-defeating behaviors.” — Melody Beattie At Master Matchmake... Continue Reading

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About Us

Joann Ward has over 30 years of experience in the dating service industry. Along with her son, CEO Steve Ward they became internationally known as the Hosts and Executive Producers of VH1 Tough Love

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To assist our clients in finding, forming and maintaining the ideal relationship we offer professional dating and relationship coaching as a complement to or substitute for matchmaking. You will meet your coach face-to-face to identify patterns, break habits, learn best practices and plan ahead.


We present your photos and profile to prospective matches and vice versa. We do our best to advocate for you and create interest. If you both accept the match we exchange numbers and expect you to get acquainted before you meet. Your feedback continuously improves the process.

*Our Guarantee. The information we provide regarding other individuals is reliable to the best of our knowledge. Everyone has their identity, age and photos verified and is subject to public record background checks. If information we provide is found to be inaccurate we discount the match and try again. We cannot guarantee or promise a certain outcome or result from matchmaking or coaching. Nothing we say or do can be construed as a guarantee about the outcome of your experience. Our past or future comments about the outcome of your experience, potential matches, estimates of fees and time frames or our opinions are not guarantees. Actual fees and time frames may vary from the estimates given.